Officina Tecnologica presents botsCommerce: artificial intelligence for E-commerce


The artificial intelligence of Officina Tecnologica, a High-Tech Enterprise of San Marino Innovation, presents botsCommerce, the revolutionary intelligent virtual assistant for eCommerce that interacts simultaneously via website, Facebook and WhatsApp.

Technological innovation has started long ago and is growing exponentially: the future will be increasingly digital thanks to technologies such as artificial intelligence that already invade different areas of our daily lives. Significant changes have already been seen in markets and business models, triggering new strategic visions that will create value, employment and a new way of working.

Officina Tecnologica has been able to look ahead and has used artificial intelligence to create bostCommerce, the intelligent virtual assistant that improves the performance of common eCommerce, both in terms of customer care and increased sales. It replaces the old generation chatbots - mainly present on corporate Facebook pages - that are often ineffective, if not even counter-productive, to bring the user on eCommerce and to "convert" the visit to purchase; they often do not provide correct answers, thus eliminating the potential of a service that should be in support of eCommerce managers. botsCommerce is the core developed with artificial intelligence: thanks to this mechanism it is able to perfectly understand the user’s requests and give you an adequate response. Not only that: his machine learning technology allows him to learn new terms, expressions and intent as his "experience" with users increases. It is innovative on the market because: multichannel, conversational continuity and navigation assisted (browser automation). It works on three communication channels, eCommerce site, Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp: this allows you to have a linear and continuous communication with user, from the moment you "hook" on Facebook (for example through an advertising campaign) to continue on the eCommerce website to accompany him in his purchase, up to after-sales assistance and loyalty via Whatsapp.

Finally, with the assisted navigation, it is possible to make it proactive performing (impossible until today) such as subscribing to the newsletter, downloading a voucher and recovering the abandoned cart. It has been designed both for those who manage their own eCommerce or for third parties, and for freelance marketing agencies and marketers who want to implement it in customer communication strategies.

For more information on the new platform, you can follow Officina Tecnologica these days at the Web Marketing Festival.

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